How a Public Adjuster can Help with Your Insurance Claim Appeal

The insurance company will do everything in its power to deny your claim. They profit when your claim is rejected or partially paid, and have designed their small print to make it increasingly difficult to successfully receive the funds you’re entitled to after property damage or theft. After a claim denial or settlement, many people may simply give up and accept the loss, but you have a right to appeal the decision and have it reviewed by a third party.
Instead of reacting with anger towards the insurance company, your next step should be to seek the guidance of a public insurance adjuster. With our comprehensive adjusting services, we will carefully review your situation and outline a strategy that stacks the odds of receiving the funds you deserve in your favor.
We Handle Every Step of the Appeal
After carefully reviewing your insurance policy and denied the claim, we handle every detail of the appeal submission. We have extensive experience evaluating unique insurance situations and can help you sort through the fine print. Once we have a clear understanding of the initial denial or underpayment, we’ll create a professional appeal on your behalf that outlines every detail backed by accurate evidence.
Along with helping you handle the paperwork, we communicate with the insurance company on your behalf. We know how to negotiate fair prices with their adjusters, and we know what your rights are. The insurance agencies don’t want you to work with an adjuster. They are hoping you overlook the details, and falsely deny appeals even when you file correctly. With our evidence-based and clearly defined appeal submissions, the insurance companies have no option but to pay what they owe.
Accurate Onsite Appraisals
With our onsight appraisers, we carefully catalogue every detail of the property damage that occurred. Oftentimes, our appraisers will walk through the property with an adjuster from the insurance company, and we will settle upon fair value for the damaged property. By having our professionals accompany the insurance agents during a walkthrough, we hold their adjusters accountable.
We help you get true value for the damage or theft. While their adjusters want to give you a minimum price for everything, we take every factor of the damage into consideration for honest appraisals that get you every dollar you deserve. Our detail-oriented adjusters will provide you with an itemized breakdown and cost analysis, so you’ll know exactly what you’re entitled to and why. No more wondering if you’re being treated fairly; you’ll have solid evidence backing your claim or appeal when you work with the best public adjusters in Bucks County, PA.